A dental bridge is a special dental restoration that replaces a missing tooth with an artificial tooth that is bonded to a pair of dental crowns. It is mounted onto abutments that are made from the healthy cores of the neighboring teeth. We designed your bridge from durable materials when we installed it at Cedar Point Dentistry.
Yet there are times when a blow to the face or other abnormal activity can chip or potentially fracture your bridge. If any part of your bridge is chipped, fractured or damaged in any way, you should not delay in calling 612-822-2176 to have it examined and repaired at our clinic.
While you are waiting for your appointment, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you minimize complications.
You should not attempt to clean, brush, floss or manipulate any part of the damaged bridge. The more you touch it, the more likely you are to cause further damage or incur complications.
Should you have blood or debris in your mouth, you can rinse them away with lukewarm saltwater. Otherwise, you should leave any required cleaning treatments to the professional tools and techniques in Dr. Wallace Lunden’s repertoire.
If both abutments anchoring the bridge are still intact, Dr. Wallace Lunden might be able to replace the damaged bridge and cement a new one in its place.
If you have a chipped or otherwise damaged dental bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, you should not delay in calling 612-822-2176 to have it professionally treated at Cedar Point Dentistry.