If you have dental implants, it’s important to do your part to keep them strong. Dental implants require care and attention just like your healthy natural teeth. The simple techniques used to keep your natural teeth from damage can be just as effective for your dental implants.
The more you care about your implants and their safety, the more dental implants can provide you with safe and effective replacements for natural teeth. Here are a few guidelines to consider:
– Brush twice daily and floss once daily. Always make sure to clean all sides of each tooth and behind your last set in the back of your mouth.
– If you have any issues with your oral health, be sure to visit Cedar Point Dentistry for an oral exam. Also, make sure to attend your regularly scheduled appointments.
– Stop smoking and chewing tobacco. Smoking can cause bone structure weakness, which can lead to your implants failing.
– Avoid all foods that may be too hard to chew. During the festive season, this includes giant candy canes, peppermint bark, or hard peanut brittle.
– Do not chew on inedible items such as pens or pencils.
Dental implants can make your smile whole once more. To set up an appointment with Dr. Wallace Lunden, please call our office in Minneapolis, Minnesota at 612-822-2176. Fill in the empty spaces in your smile with dental implants today!