Are you aware that with dental bridges, you can take a troubled smile and turn it into a masterpiece? Simple replacements such as dental bridges are created to give you back the smile you deserve.
The reason a missing tooth can harm your smile goes beyond just the aesthetic looks that will suffer. Your gums and jaw will falter as well. If your jaw has no teeth to hold onto, it will weaken and deteriorate as you age. Your gums will also weaken from tooth loss and can cause other teeth in the area to move and slide out of position. The missing gaps left by tooth loss can also harbor harmful bacteria that can be difficult to wash away.
Dental bridges work by inserting an artificial replacement directly into the missing gap. Without the need to be held in place by bonding cement or screws, the dental bridges are directly linked to nearby teeth to “bridge” the gap between the two for an extremely durable hold. With the proper care, a dental bridge can keep your smile strong for a lifetime, but if they are harmed, they can be replaced as needed.
To learn more about which service you would prefer for treating your oral health ailments, contact Cedar Point Dentistry at 612-822-2176. Come visit Dr. Wallace Lunden and our team at our dentist office in Minneapolis, Minnesota by booking an appointment at your earliest convenience. It’s never too late to start taking steps to a healthier you.